Some of the most popular trails in Moab aren’t the ones that offer hardcore off-roading. Some are just easy trails that deliver terrific scenery and a chance to practice going off-road. After all, not everyone who visits Moab is looking for a hardcore adventure. Some people just want to go on an easy drive taking in the sights, the fantastic desert scenery, and the gorgeous red rock formations in this part of the country.
If you are looking for a trail that isn’t too demanding and is packed with great views, then Hellroaring Rim is perfect for you.
Trail Overview: HellRoaring Rim
Rated 3, Hellroaring Rim is a scenic trail that guarantees a pleasant drive for the family. This is one of those trails you choose when you want to get out and explore the beauty of Moab without taking on some major obstacles along the way. At the same time, this trail is ideal for giving novice off-roaders a taste of what their rigs can do.
The trail takes you to a part of the mesa between Hellroaring and Mineral Canyons. While the four-wheeling part of the trail starts at Mineral Point, the most scenic places are the two overlooks of Hellroaring Canyon. Both canyons drain into the Green River through Labyrinth Canyon.
The headwaters of the canyons found in these parts are often shallow and dry during normal weather conditions. This doesn’t mean that you can take your attention off the road, however. There are some ruts where your rig can suddenly plunge, scraping the bottom of the vehicle or snagging it on a ledge.
Should this happen, simply bring your 4WD to the Dixie 4 Wheel Drive specialized auto shop and we’ll have it fixed and back on the road in no time.
HellRoaring Rim Trail Scenery and Surface
There’s great scenery throughout this trail and the view from Mineral Point at the end of Hellroaring Canyon is particularly breathtaking.
You can also catch glimpses of Hellroaring Canyon as you make your way through the trail. However, the most beautiful view comes from the overlook where the Labyrinth Canyon meets the Green River. There’s a ridge top at that point that gives a 50-mile view in all directions. This is a great vantage point to check out the surrounding areas and take awesome photos.
Since this is a local trail scratched into the Kayenta formation, most of the trail surface is made up of a variety of sandstone and shale. This normally erodes to form the sand, broken rocks and rocky ledges common in so many trails in the area.
Other HellRoaring Rim Trail Details
Generally, this trail promises a relaxed ride with a few challenging but manageable sandhills along the way. Climbing out of the canyon can also be tricky especially for those who aren’t used to off-roading so ensure your vehicle has adequate ground clearance.
To experience this and other interesting trails in Moab, sign up for our trail riding events.