The 2020 Easter Jeep Safari is April 4 – 12, 2020! Make your plans to attend!
Registration will begin January 21st at 10AM MST for the general public. You need not be a member to register for the event.
You can access the registration grid here.
More Information from
In preparation for upcoming events, you will need to create a profile on the website, and and add a vehicle to your profile before you will be able to register for an event & trails. PLEASE keep your license number and vehicle descriptions as well as your personal information up to date as time passes. This allows us to send you updates and information as it becomes available.
You can PreRegister your profile and vehicle here, however this DOES NOT register you for an event. To register for an event, make note of the opening date on the HOME page and register through the Events tab.
Questions – please check the FAQ’s, your question may already be answered. Call 435-259-ROCK.
The Red Rock 4-Wheelers work to reserve a little strength to keep our recreational trails open. To that end, we have been setting aside some funds for emergency use. We call it the Multiple Use Defense (MUD) Fund.
When trail access or other multiple uses of the public lands are threatened, it is safe to say that the most important defense need is someone’s time and effort. It takes dedicated personal effort just to plan how to spend available money. The most serious threats are likely to call for professional services, probably legal counsel and actions.
The Red Rock 4-Wheelers are committed to defend and repair the Jeep Safari trails for all of our loyal supporters to enjoy, but we need your help. Read more and support the MUD Fund here.