Hobgoblins (Little Finland), and Key Hole Slot or White Pockets – Off Roading Trail Ride Event

by | Feb 2, 2018

Tuesday February 27:  (1) Hobgoblins (Little Finland), and Key Hole Slot. Meet Second Mesquite Exit, Chevron Station Quick Stop, 8:30 am Nevada Time. Lead = Mike Hess – Mardy Walker, Rated 2+. Requires some hiking.
Tuesday February 27:  (2) White Pockets. Meet Apple Valley Chevron, 9:15 am. Lead = Hayes, Rated 3 because of deep sand. Requires some hiking.
Remember: CB Radio, Air-Up and Air-Down equipment, lunch, camp chairs, layered clothing.

Instructions To Register For This Event:

  1. Click on the Eventbrite buttons or visit http://dixie4wheeldrive.eventbrite.com/
  2. Select an event and browse the details of the event.
  3. Click the “Register” button if interested.
  4. Fill out the form with essential details.
  5. Fill out the consent to “Accident Waiver And Release Of Liability Form” Here for your vehicle.