Wayne's World or Grand Gulch Mine or Delmar Mine

by | Apr 5, 2018

Tuesday April 10, 2018:
(1)  Wayne’s World: Meet Green Gate Sand Mountain, 9:00 am. This will be a day of making the Track for “Wayne’s World” trail. If you have 33″ + tires, with lift and lockers, you are welcome to join this run. We are interested to see how rigs with 33″ tires handle this trail. Lead = Wayne Jack, Rated 6.
(2)  Grand Gulch Mine: Meet River Road underpass highway 7 and Arizona Strip, 8:30 am. This is a fabulous trail ride down Snap Canyon to Grand Gulch Copper Mine and back by way of Pigeon Canyon. Lead = Ron Bryce, Rated 3.
(3)  Delmar Mine: Meet Shivits Gas Quick Stop, (highway 91), 7:30 am. This is a very long day of exploration to Delmar Mine, and is limited to 8 Rigs only. Contact Gus Petersen to see if this trail ride is Full. Lead = Gus Petersen, Rated 3?
Any questions please email: stgeorgejeepers@dixie4wheeldrive.com

Instructions To Register For This Event:

  1. Click on the Eventbrite buttons or visit http://dixie4wheeldrive.eventbrite.com/
  2. Select an event and browse the details of the event.
  3. Click the “Register” button if interested.
  4. Fill out the form with essential details.
  5. Fill out the consent to “Accident Waiver And Release Of Liability Form” Here for your vehicle.