Devil's Cove or Wayne's World

by | Mar 31, 2018

The following are the scheduled trail rides for Tuesday, April 3, 2018:

(1)  Devil’s Cove: Meet Second Mesquite Exit I-15, Chevron Station, 8:30 am (Nevada Time). This trail goes down to the Colorado River from Gold Butte Road and Cottonwood Wash. Devil’s Cove is covered with shells, and there are 2 old grave sites on top of the hill. Hopefully, Joshua Trees will be in bloom, and the Burros will be visiting the cove. Lead = Mike Hess/Mardy Walker, Rated 2+.
(2)  Wayne’s World Sand Mountain Trail: Meet 9:00 am, Green Gate. This will be a working trail ride, trying to finish some of the trail grooming. Please bring 2 to 3 larger rocks if possible to be used at the base of the first step. A couple of other areas we will tackle are bumping down the awkward landing on top of the step in the narrow wash that is prior to the steep climb out, and possibly designing a path up and over the large rock mound near where we ate lunch. Wayne Jack will designate our areas of action! This trail is rated 6: lift, lockers, 35″ tires, whip flag.
CB Radio, Air-Up and Air-Down equipment, camp chairs, lunch, sun screen!
Any questions please email:

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  5. Fill out the consent to “Accident Waiver And Release Of Liability Form” Here for your vehicle.